Invited to the big lights.

 Ben Considine is a prestigious logger and is one to always watch. After years of competing on the Australian stage and winning Australian logger titles, Ben is now being recognised internationally. 

Ben has been lucky enough to recently receive numerous invitations to outstanding  international Longboarding events that are of an elite level. 

This is a personal  re count from Ben regarding his last international longboarding trip, we hope you enjoy!



 This trip to Spain would be the second trip for the year, though given it was only a quick trip a couple of months before I was amped to get back and enjoy more of what the north west coast had to Offer. The second stop of the world longboard tour was held in Galicia, Spain, home to a beautiful coastline and some epic waves. Getting there as a longboarder however  was a task. The airlines that would take 10ft board bags only flew into Madrid, a 6 hour drive away from Pantinwhere the contest was to be held. Fortunately everyone was in the same boat so I was able to catch a lift down with some mates.


 I was lucky enough to stay in a house on a hill overlooking the break in Pantin we were surfing at with some great house mates also competing in the contest. I had a couple of days before the contest kicked off to get used to the waves and try brush off the jet lag. Flying from Melbourne to Spain via Qatar was a heavy trip. The waves in the beginning were only about 2 foot but kicked for the contest.


I had a round 1 start in Spain but with no luck. I wasn’t able to get in rhythm and the decent waves I had I managed to fall off on and so unfortunately posted some pretty average scores.  The other boys surfed super well so although I took 3rd in the opening heat I knew the competition was definitely worthy of progressing.

The next few days at the contest were a blast. The surfing on the tour this year is absolutely insane with the emphasis on traditional surfing producing some of the most stylish, graceful and critical surfing I’d seen on the world stage. Hats off to Justin Quintal who managed to make the most of the 6-foot sets in Pantin, looking playful and as solid as ever, it was incredible to watch. 


After the contest period was complete my friend Nacho and I drove in a van via Santiago de Compostela, which was magnificent in its own right, to Madrid. I was pumped to go full tourist and explore the sights.

I hit everything on the trip advisor must see list in just over 2 days, as well as having my fair share of Tortillas to keep the abs warm. The architecture there was incredible and insanely detailed, definitely a big change from the buildings around Melbourne. That as well as the El Retiro park and Madrid Palace are definitely amongst my recommendations.

  After a killer time in Spain it was time to say see ya later to Madrid, the van and Nacho and head off to New York for stop 3 of the tour!



Arriving into New York and fighting the jet lag once again I was lucky enough to be picked up by mate and fellow competitor Ryan before checking into my AirBnB which we scored about a 3-minute walk from the contest site, absolutely scored. My mate Josh arrived the next day, but the waves at Long Beach looked super friendly, mostly lefts (yewww) and with a swell on its way. The setup wasn’t quite as nice as the setup we had for Spain (where the QS 10,000 was to be held after us) but we made do. The typical swell direction at Long Beach really seemed to lend itself to allowing these long lefts to form all the way down the beach, and so even whilst the contest was going on we were able to take advantage of some peaks further down.


I was seeded into R2 and the waves seemed okay for our heat, a little gutless but my log was able to motor through a couple. Not unpleased with how I surfed I came out of the heat relatively pleased, but I think I must like taking 3rd place deep down for some reason… Hahah, other boys were ripping and believe I lacked some of the super critical elements to progress.


New York was definitely where I wanted to hit once the contest had finished and I was super stoked to make the most of it. It was much of what I expected in the general city area, walking down all of the streets I’d heard of and Times Square giving me enough screen time to last the next year. It was lovely walking through Central park, seeing the empire state building, going to the Museum of Modern Art and even catching a show of The Book of Mormon on Broadway, what a cracker haha.

 Had a blast in New York and can’t wait for my next trip with too many starbucks and pizza combos!!!

See you soon New York! 





Well this was a last minute trip! Due to the overlapping of the Duct Tape Invitational in New York and the second Surf Relikevent at Trestles I was lucky enough to score an invite to the Relik event. I found out about the invite a little over a week before the contest site and I was on a tear to get it organised, get some work shifts covered and head over there! I’d be staying with Josh again who luckily scored a last-minute invite also. California has been on my bucket-list ever since I was a grom, with dreams of being able to go and surf Malibu, San Onofre and Trestles!

 (Josh Seeman above, Bens friend & CJ Nelson Designs ambassador) 

The first day we got a feel for Trestles, exceeding my expectations as an unreal log wave. I jumped around from board to board trying to figure out which was better suited to the waves, eventually opting for the good old Stylemaster, with its ability to lock in on the nose unbelievably well and ability to engage with the rail in the fast paced waves.

 (Bens Red Stylemaster & brown Slasher on the wall Malibu) 

The setup at Relik was epic, free food (if you were willing to wait) and a great general vibe to watch the contest around. It was great catching up with everyone once again, for me easily one of the best parts about heading to these competitions. The waves were pumping for both days of the event, the judges liking the rights a bit more than the lefts but both peaks offering some unreal opportunities. The Relik for this event was split into the Classic division and Modern division, which I find to be a nice touch as it allows the surfers approach the waves they are most comfortable without forcing them to conform, everyone was shredding.

 Throughout and after the contest I was lucky enough to enjoy the waves around the coast like SanO, Church, Oceanside and even a dip at Malibu before my flight back to Melbourne. I didn’t manage to get into LA to explore on this trip as there was very limited time being a last-minute trip but that just has me psyched for the next time I head over! A super chill and relaxing end to the trip which I have to thank Josh for showing me around the coast! Back home now and sort of excited about staying here for a while and getting back into the regular swing of things.

 Cheers to everyone who helped and made all this possible!Couldn’t be more grateful,



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